October is Dyslexia Awareness Month

Now is a perfect time to educate yourself, children, school, and community about dyslexia. Here are some easy tips on how to raise awareness and share your understanding of dyslexia with others. 

1.  Don’t be afraid to ask, “What is dyslexia?” 


 2. Take this quick quiz from Learning Ally to see how your knowledge about dyslexia measures up. Get competitive and challenge your friends. 


How well did you do? 

3. Know the early signs of dyslexia. 

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4. Dig into the numbers. Were some of the statistics surprising? 

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5. Know why early intervention is so critical.

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6. Advocate for students with dyslexia. Consider sharing this letter with a teacher.

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 7. Do the research. What is the best approach for students with dyslexia? 

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The International Dyslexia Association states that, “popularly employed reading approaches, such as Guided Reading or Balanced Literacy, are not effective for struggling readers. What does work is Structured Literacy…”

Read the full fact sheet here: https://dyslexiaida.org/effective-reading-instruction-for-students-with-dyslexia/

8. Now that you are an expert, encourage someone with characteristics of dyslexia to take a free screener.

Click for the free screener:

You can talk to a live Dyslexia Specialist about your concerns and the next steps to consider. 

Request a consultation here: https://www.lexercise.com/consultation?group=13&clinician=464

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Learn more here:

Even More Ideas:

Learning Ally Ways to Raise Awareness:


Follow Social Media Posts:

Check Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram #DyslexiaAroundTheWorld and #UntilEveryoneCanRead to make sure you don’t miss a post!

Change Your Wallpaper: 

To kick-off Dyslexia Awareness Month, the International Dyslexia Association has made a free desktop wallpaper for you to enjoy! You can download it here.
