Structured Literacy

Brain Picture

A Fresh Mindset for the New Year

by Christy Olsson, B.A., CALT, Director of New Student Development "Some parents express concern about...

Practice Makes Progress

We all know the saying, “Practice makes perfect.” However, it really should say, “Practice makes...
A picture of the dots connected

Sight Words: More Than Just Memorization

Did you know that our brains don't store words visually, but rather as a series...
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Can my child be gifted AND dyslexic?

Yes, approximately 2-5% of school aged children are intellectually gifted and dyslexic. This dual diagnosis...
mirrored image of teacher teaching two children

What is Structured Literacy/Dyslexia Therapy

June 25, 2021The science of reading brings together a variety of fields - education, psychology,...
Blockchain of human brain

Sight Words: More Than Just Memorization

April 23, 2022 | Dyslexia, Learning Disability, Structured Literacy, Teaching StrategiesDid you know that our...