Homework 911
Students with dyslexia can experience significant stress over homework. They already tend to work harder...

A Fresh Mindset for the New Year
by Christy Olsson, B.A., CALT, Director of New Student Development "Some parents express concern about...

Practice Makes Progress
We all know the saying, “Practice makes perfect.” However, it really should say, “Practice makes...

The Simple View of Reading
What is it? As we discuss the Simple View of Reading (SVR), it is important...

What is it Really Like to Have a Learning Difference?
Sometimes parents get frustrated with their child's academic performance. Teachers and parents may feel that...

Dyslexia Therapy vs. Tutoring
What's the Difference and Why Does it Matter? Dyslexia therapy vs. tutoring...Does it matter? The...

Avoid the Summer Brain Drain
You may have heard the term,"use it or loose it." This rings true for students...

Fostering a “Growth Mindset”
Carol Dweck, a Harvard-educated professor, coined the phrase "growth mindset" in her book Mindset: The...