Read Live: The Basics

Read Live is a web-based intervention platform that uses research-proven strategies to accelerate reading achievement. High interest stories help student practice key reading skills such as accuracy, expression, and comprehension. There are multiple levels making it appropriate for students of almost any age and grade.
After a student has been assigned a reading series, level and goal, they will select a story (there are about 10-12 stories per level) they will be taken through a complete lesson with built in practice for vocabulary, fluency and comprehension skills. The initial steps include learning the story’s key words and then making a prediction about the story based on the title, picture, and key words. Next, the student will read the selected story for the first time for one minute – this is called the “cold timing.” Read Live then generates a graph that shows how many words the student read correctly per minute.
After the cold timing, the next step is the read along, where the student reads along with an audio recording of the story (from 1-3 times). Then student practices reading independently (at least 3 times, and more if needed) to work on accuracy and expression. It is recommended to split up the practices so that they are not all done in one sitting. After each practice reading, Read Live records the words read per minute for the student to see. The student’s goal is to get as close to his/her predetermined goal rate as possible while maintaining appropriate expression and accuracy. After the three practices have been completed, the student will be prompted to complete a short quiz consisting of comprehension questions. (Insert photo of students on computer)
Then, depending on the student’s level, s/he will either write a retell of the story, or (at the phonics level) read a word list until s/he is able to read it accurately at a predetermined goal rate. Students at the phonics level will then be prompted to spell three words related to the story’s text and that follow a targeted phonics pattern. Finally, the student reads the story for the teacher – which is called the “hot timing”. In order to pass the story and move to another story within the level, the student must accomplish the following: read the story at his/her goal rate using appropriate expression with three or fewer errors, answer all comprehension questions correctly, and retell the story with accuracy. Students at the phonics level will need to pass the word list step. Once the student has done their hot timing, Read Live generates a graph that shows the student’s progress compared to their cold timing.

So, now that you know the basics, it seems like a lot! However, progressing through the all of the steps for each story takes only about 10 minutes a few times a week, and produces lasting results. Students love talking about all the interesting facts they learn from the stories, and quickly build up their confidence and stamina for reading non-fiction text. Contact us today to learn more. Read Live is offered in our dyslexia therapy and general tutoring programming. You can set up a free consultation by emailing us at [email protected] or call (972) 807-5919.